<< How to access static variable and static method of interface >>
interface Doo
public static final String message = "good morning";
public static void method()
System.out.println(" guys");
public class TestInterface01
public static void main(String[] args)
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<< How to access non static method of interface >>
interface Foo
public default void nonStaticMethod()
System.out.println("i am a non static method of interface");
// step#1
class ImpFoo implements Foo
public class TestInterface02
public static void main(String[] args)
// step#2
ImpFoo ref = new ImpFoo();
// step#3
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<< How to access abstract method of interface >>
interface Roo
public abstract void abstractMethod();
// step#1, create a class that implement interface
class ImpRoo implements Roo
@Override // this is annotation, bole to caption
// step#2, override the abstract method of interface (it is mandatory)
public void abstractMethod()
System.out.println("hello guys");
public class TestInterface03
public static void main(String[] args)
// step#3, assign the object of implementaion class inside the ref-variable
// of interface, it is not must, but a good approach
Roo r = new ImpRoo();
// step#4, call the method
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<< a class can implement many interfaces at the same time >>
interface Pujari
public abstract void kuttuKiPakori();
interface Molvi
public abstract void chickenKorma();
interface Doctor
public abstract void vaccine();
class FatherOfLallu
public void vaccine()
class Lallu extends FatherOfLallu implements Pujari,
public void korma()
public void kuttuKiPakori()
public void vaccine() // <<-- it is not mandatory to override this method
// by class Lallu, since this method is availble inside the superclass of
// Lallu
public class TestInterface04
public static void main(String[] args)
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<< an interface can inherit many interfaces >>
<< this is how we implement multiple inheritance in java >>
interface AA
interface BB
interface CC
// DD is a sub-interface, and AA + BB + CC are super-interface of DD
interface DD extends AA,BB,CC
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<< code to show the magic of Runtime class >>
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TheMagicOfRuntime
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter a text: ");
String text = sc.nextLine();
// get the object of runtime
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
// call the method exec()
// hanlde any runtime error
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("error "+e);
Great work !!