By using this code we can store a file inside the database.
Note: In order to store a file inside database, we need to follow the given guideline
1. Create a database inside MySQL Server, here i am using files_db as a database name, however you can choose any name
>> create database files_db;
2. Use this database
>> use files_db;
3. Create a table inside this database, here i am using files_table as a table name, however you can choose any name
note: in this table i am using four (that is 4) columns
column 1: filename, to store file name (for this i am using datatype VARCHAR)
column 2: filesize, to store file size (for this i am using datatype BIGINT)
column 3: filetype, to store file extension (for this i am using datatype VARCHAR)
column 4: filedata, to store the data of file (for this i am using datatype LONGBLOB, BLOB, means Binary Large OBject)
>> create table files_table(filename varchar(255),filesize bigint not null,filetype varchar(255) not null,filedata longblob not null, primary key(filename));
note: in order to store big files like (videos) please change the packet size of MySQL Server database
1. open MySQL Server command prompt and provide username and password
2. On MySQL Server command line use the given command
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class StoreFileInDB
public static void main(String[] args)
// create object of scanner to take input from keyboard
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter the file path to be stored in database: ");
// here we will take path of file that need to be stored
// inside the database
String filepath = sc.nextLine();
// create object of file class to denote this path
File file = new File(filepath);
// check if path of file exists and path also belongs to
// a file rather than a directory
if(file.exists() && file.isFile())
// get the name of file
String filename = file.getName();
// get the size of file
long filesize = file.length();
// get last index of . (that is dot) in file name
int index = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
// get a substring from the given index plus 1
// using this approach we can extract the extension from the filename
String ext = filename.substring(index + 1);
// now open a a file in read mode
// means now we can fetch the data from this file
FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(filepath);
// load the driver class for database connection
// get object of connection
Connection co = DriverManager.getConnection
// get object of PreparedStatement, to execute
// sql statements
PreparedStatement ps = co.prepareStatement
("insert into files_table values(?,?,?,?)");
// provide values in place of ? mark
// set the file name to be stored inside database
ps.setString(1, filename);
// set the file size to be stored inside database
ps.setLong(2, filesize);
// set the file extension to be stored inside database
ps.setString(3, ext);
// set the actual data of file to be stored inside database
ps.setBinaryStream(4, fi,(int)filesize);
// execute sql statement
// show a message on screen
System.out.println("File has been saved inside the database");
// close the database connection
System.out.println("Either file not exits or its is a folder");
// handle runtime error, generated during the program execution
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("error "+e);
} // end of main method
} // end of class
Enter the file path to be stored in database: c:\abc.txt
File has been saved inside the database
Note: In order to store a file inside database, we need to follow the given guideline
1. Create a database inside MySQL Server, here i am using files_db as a database name, however you can choose any name
>> create database files_db;
2. Use this database
>> use files_db;
3. Create a table inside this database, here i am using files_table as a table name, however you can choose any name
note: in this table i am using four (that is 4) columns
column 1: filename, to store file name (for this i am using datatype VARCHAR)
column 2: filesize, to store file size (for this i am using datatype BIGINT)
column 3: filetype, to store file extension (for this i am using datatype VARCHAR)
column 4: filedata, to store the data of file (for this i am using datatype LONGBLOB, BLOB, means Binary Large OBject)
>> create table files_table(filename varchar(255),filesize bigint not null,filetype varchar(255) not null,filedata longblob not null, primary key(filename));
note: in order to store big files like (videos) please change the packet size of MySQL Server database
1. open MySQL Server command prompt and provide username and password
2. On MySQL Server command line use the given command
4. Create a file as and copy and paste the given code
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class StoreFileInDB
public static void main(String[] args)
// create object of scanner to take input from keyboard
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter the file path to be stored in database: ");
// here we will take path of file that need to be stored
// inside the database
String filepath = sc.nextLine();
// create object of file class to denote this path
File file = new File(filepath);
// check if path of file exists and path also belongs to
// a file rather than a directory
if(file.exists() && file.isFile())
// get the name of file
String filename = file.getName();
// get the size of file
long filesize = file.length();
// get last index of . (that is dot) in file name
int index = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
// get a substring from the given index plus 1
// using this approach we can extract the extension from the filename
String ext = filename.substring(index + 1);
// now open a a file in read mode
// means now we can fetch the data from this file
FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(filepath);
// load the driver class for database connection
// get object of connection
Connection co = DriverManager.getConnection
// get object of PreparedStatement, to execute
// sql statements
PreparedStatement ps = co.prepareStatement
("insert into files_table values(?,?,?,?)");
// provide values in place of ? mark
// set the file name to be stored inside database
ps.setString(1, filename);
// set the file size to be stored inside database
ps.setLong(2, filesize);
// set the file extension to be stored inside database
ps.setString(3, ext);
// set the actual data of file to be stored inside database
ps.setBinaryStream(4, fi,(int)filesize);
// execute sql statement
// show a message on screen
System.out.println("File has been saved inside the database");
// close the database connection
System.out.println("Either file not exits or its is a folder");
// handle runtime error, generated during the program execution
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("error "+e);
} // end of main method
} // end of class
Enter the file path to be stored in database: c:\abc.txt
File has been saved inside the database
nyc code sir
ReplyDeleteGenius sir, Awesome
ReplyDeleteUseful code sir
ReplyDeleteUseful application for BLOB concept.
ReplyDeleteThank you sir very useful for me!!