This very usefull program is implemented by Sahil from ABESIT (Ghaziabad)
Note: Please create a database named as 'cetpa' then create two tables inside this database
table names must be sbi and icici.
please copy this code and paste it in eclipse
please copy this code and paste it in eclipse
enjoy this wonderfull code
import java.sql.*; import java.util.Scanner; public class banking { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cetpa","root","root"); Statement st=conn.createStatement(); Statement st1=conn.createStatement(); Scanner sc=new Scanner(; Scanner sc1=new Scanner(; System.out.println("FUND TRANSFER"); System.out.println("MENU"); System.out.println("Press 1 to TRANSFER from SBI TO SBI"); System.out.println("Press 2 to TRANSFER from SBI TO ICICI "); System.out.println("Press 3 to from ICICI TO ICICI"); System.out.println("Press 4 to from ICICI TO SBI"); System.out.println("Press 5 to CHECK YOUR BALANCE"); int choice =sc.nextInt(); switch(choice){ case 1: System.out.println("Please enter your name :"); String transferer=sc1.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter your customer ID:"); int transferid=sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("Please enter the fund you want to transfer : "); float fund=sc.nextFloat(); System.out.println("Please enter Receiver's name :"); String receiver=sc1.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter Receiver's customer ID:"); int receiverid=sc.nextInt(); String sql="select * from sbi"; ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(sql); while( { int tid=rs.getInt("custid"); String tname=rs.getString("custname"); float tbal=rs.getFloat("custbal"); if(transferer.equalsIgnoreCase(tname) && transferid==tid ) { if(tbal<fund) System.out.println("INSUFFICENT BALANCE"); else { ResultSet rs1=st1.executeQuery(sql); while( { int rid=rs1.getInt("custid"); String rname=rs1.getString("custname"); float rbal=rs1.getFloat("custbal"); if(receiver.equalsIgnoreCase(rname) && receiverid==rid) { String query="update sbi set custbal=? where custid=?"; rbal=rbal+fund; PreparedStatement ps=conn.prepareStatement(query); ps.setFloat(1, rbal); ps.setInt(2,rid); int r=ps.executeUpdate(); tbal=tbal-fund; ps=conn.prepareStatement(query); ps.setFloat(1, tbal); ps.setInt(2,tid); int s=ps.executeUpdate(); System.out.println((r+s)+"records updated"); System.out.println("fund transfered \n Thank you for banking with us "); } } } } } break; case 2: System.out.println("Please enter your name :"); transferer=sc1.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter your customer ID:"); transferid=sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("Please enter the fund you want to transfer : "); fund=sc.nextFloat(); System.out.println("Please enter Receiver's name :"); receiver=sc1.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter Receiver's customer ID:"); receiverid=sc.nextInt(); rs=st.executeQuery("select * from sbi"); while( { int tid=rs.getInt("custid"); String tname=rs.getString("custname"); float tbal=rs.getFloat("custbal"); if(transferer.equalsIgnoreCase(tname) && transferid==tid ) { if(tbal<fund) System.out.println("INSUFFICENT BALANCE"); else { ResultSet rs1=st1.executeQuery("select * from icici"); while( { int rid=rs1.getInt("custid"); String rname=rs1.getString("custname"); float rbal=rs1.getFloat("custbal"); if(receiver.equalsIgnoreCase(rname) && receiverid==rid) { rbal=rbal+fund; PreparedStatement ps=conn.prepareStatement("update icici set custbal=? where custid=?"); ps.setFloat(1, rbal); ps.setInt(2,rid); int r=ps.executeUpdate(); tbal=tbal-fund; ps=conn.prepareStatement("update sbi set custbal=? where custid=?"); ps.setFloat(1, tbal); ps.setInt(2,tid); int s=ps.executeUpdate(); System.out.println((r+s)+"records updated"); System.out.println("fund transfered \n Thank you for banking with us "); } } } } } break; case 3: System.out.println("Please enter your name :"); transferer=sc1.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter your customer ID:"); transferid=sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("Please enter the fund you want to transfer : "); fund=sc.nextFloat(); System.out.println("Please enter Receiver's name :"); receiver=sc1.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter Receiver's customer ID:"); receiverid=sc.nextInt(); rs=st.executeQuery("select * from icici"); while( { int tid=rs.getInt("custid"); String tname=rs.getString("custname"); float tbal=rs.getFloat("custbal"); if(transferer.equalsIgnoreCase(tname) && transferid==tid ) { if(tbal<fund) System.out.println("INSUFFICENT BALANCE"); else { ResultSet rs1=st1.executeQuery("select * from icici"); while( { int rid=rs1.getInt("custid"); String rname=rs1.getString("custname"); float rbal=rs1.getFloat("custbal"); if(receiver.equalsIgnoreCase(rname) && receiverid==rid) { String query="update icici set custbal=? where custid=?"; rbal=rbal+fund; PreparedStatement ps=conn.prepareStatement(query); ps.setFloat(1, rbal); ps.setInt(2,rid); int r=ps.executeUpdate(); tbal=tbal-fund; ps=conn.prepareStatement(query); ps.setFloat(1, tbal); ps.setInt(2,tid); int s=ps.executeUpdate(); System.out.println((r+s)+"records updated"); System.out.println("fund transfered \n Thank you for banking with us "); } } } } } break; case 4: System.out.println("Please enter your name :"); transferer=sc1.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter your customer ID:"); transferid=sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("Please enter the fund you want to transfer : "); fund=sc.nextFloat(); System.out.println("Please enter Receiver's name :"); receiver=sc1.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter Receiver's customer ID:"); receiverid=sc.nextInt(); rs=st.executeQuery("select * from icici"); while( { int tid=rs.getInt("custid"); String tname=rs.getString("custname"); float tbal=rs.getFloat("custbal"); if(transferer.equalsIgnoreCase(tname) && transferid==tid ) { if(tbal<fund) System.out.println("INSUFFICENT BALANCE"); else { ResultSet rs1=st1.executeQuery("select * from sbi"); while( { int rid=rs1.getInt("custid"); String rname=rs1.getString("custname"); float rbal=rs1.getFloat("custbal"); if(receiver.equalsIgnoreCase(rname) && receiverid==rid) { rbal=rbal+fund; PreparedStatement ps=conn.prepareStatement("update sbi set custbal=? where custid=?"); ps.setFloat(1, rbal); ps.setInt(2,rid); int r=ps.executeUpdate(); tbal=tbal-fund; ps=conn.prepareStatement("update icici set custbal=? where custid=?"); ps.setFloat(1, tbal); ps.setInt(2,tid); int s=ps.executeUpdate(); System.out.println((r+s)+"records updated"); System.out.println("fund transfered \n Thank you for banking with us "); } } } } } break; case 5: System.out.println("MENU"); System.out.println("Press 1 if you are a customer of SBI"); System.out.println("Press 2 to you are a customer of ICICI "); int c=sc.nextInt(); switch(c) { case 1: System.out.println("Please enter your name :"); transferer=sc1.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter your customer ID:"); transferid=sc.nextInt(); rs=st.executeQuery("select * from sbi"); while( { int tid=rs.getInt("custid"); String tname=rs.getString("custname"); float tbal=rs.getFloat("custbal"); if(transferer.equalsIgnoreCase(tname) && transferid==tid ) { System.out.println("YOU BALANCE IS :"+tbal); } } break; case 2: System.out.println("Please enter your name :"); transferer=sc1.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter your customer ID:"); transferid=sc.nextInt(); rs=st.executeQuery("select * from icici"); while( { int tid=rs.getInt("custid"); String tname=rs.getString("custname"); float tbal=rs.getFloat("custbal"); if(transferer.equalsIgnoreCase(tname) && transferid==tid ) { System.out.println("YOU BALANCE IS :"+tbal); } } break; default : System.out.println("IVALID OPTION"); } break; default : System.out.println("IVALID OPTION"); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception System.out.println("error "+e); } } }
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