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Friday, July 28, 2017

Who says java does not supports pointers, See, how to implement Single Linked List in Java

This very nice code is implemented by -
Vasu Gupta / IT / Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology

# in this code a single linked list is been implement , which is a linear data structure, very very important and useful data structure in software engineering

# save this class inside file # 

import java.util.Scanner;

// Create a node class for creating new nodes in linked list
public class Node{
private int data ;  // data of that node
private Node next ; // node data of next linked node
public Node() { // initialize new node
data = 0 ;
next = null ;

// Input data in new node
public Node(int d , Node n) {
data = d ;
next = n ;
// set link to the next node
public void setLink(Node link) {
next = link ;
// Get link to the next node
public Node getLink() {
return next ;
// Get data of the current node
public int getData() {
return data ;

# save this class inside file # 

// class for creating linked list
public class LinkList {
private Node start ;
private Node end ;
public int size ;
// Initialize all the variables
public LinkList() {
start = null ;
end = null ;
size = 0 ;
// Adding nodes at starting of the linked list
public void addAtStart(int data) {
Node node = new Node(data , null);  // Create object of Node class
size++ ; // Increment size of linked list
if(start == null) {
start = node ; // make node the starting node
end = start ;  // make node the ending node
}else {
node.setLink(start); // Attach new node before start
start = node ;  // make the new node as start
// Adding node at end of the linked list
public void addAtEnd(int data) {
Node node = new Node(data , null);
size++ ;
if(start == null) {
start = node ;
end = start ;
}else {
end.setLink(node); // Attach new node after end
end = node ;       // make the new node as end
// Adding node at the middle of the linked list
public void addAtMiddle(int data , int pos) {
Node node = new Node(data , null);
size++ ;
Node preptr = start ;
Node ptr = start ;
ptr = ptr.getLink();
int count = 1 ;
while(count != pos) {
preptr = preptr.getLink();
ptr = ptr.getLink();
count++ ;
// Adding node after a certain data of the linked list
public void addAfterData(int data , int refData) {
Node node = new Node(data , null);
size++ ;
Node preptr = start ;
Node ptr = start ;
ptr = ptr.getLink();
while(preptr.getData() != refData) {
preptr = preptr.getLink();
ptr = ptr.getLink();
// Deleting node in linked list
public void deleteNode(int refData) {
Node preptr = start ;
Node ptr = start ;
ptr = ptr.getLink();
while(ptr.getData() != refData) {
preptr = preptr.getLink();
ptr = ptr.getLink();
ptr = null ;
size-- ; // Reduce size of linked list
// Traversing through linked list and showing data
public void showData() {
if(start == null) {
System.out.println("No data");
}else {
Node ptr = start ;
while(ptr.getLink() != null) {
System.out.print(ptr.getData() + "--->");
ptr = ptr.getLink();

# save this class inside file #
# this class is haiving main method # 

public class SingleLinkedList {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int data = 0  ;
LinkList ll = new LinkList();
System.out.println("Choose : \n1. Insert at Start \n2. Insert At End");
switch (sc.nextInt()) {
case 1:
// Get data from user again and again and add them to linked list
do {
System.out.print("Enter the data : ");
data = sc.nextInt();
System.out.print("Do you want to add more (y/n) : ");
ll.showData();  // show data of linked list
case 2:
do {
System.out.print("Enter the data : ");
data = sc.nextInt();
System.out.print("Do you want to add more (y/n) : ");

System.out.println("\nChoose : \n1. Insert At Middle \n2. Insert After A Data \n3. Delete A Node");
switch (sc.nextInt()) {
case 1:
System.out.print("Enter the data : ");
data = sc.nextInt();
int pos = 0 ;
// Calculating middle position
if(ll.size%2 == 0) {
pos = ll.size/2 ;
}else {
pos = (ll.size - 1)/2 ;
ll.addAtMiddle(data , pos);
case 2:
System.out.print("Enter the data : ");
data = sc.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the data after which you want to add new data : ");
ll.addAfterData(data , sc.nextInt());
case 3:
System.out.print("Enter the data to be deleted : ");
data = sc.nextInt();
ll.deleteNode(data); // Delete node




  1. Thanku sr its very importantan for us

  2. Great ...thank you sir for making concepts so easy to understand

  3. A code is good but sir add some comments. For better understanding.

  4. thank u sir ....
    it is very useful concept that make u very easy for us..

  5. thank u sir..
    it is very useful concept that make u very easy for us.
