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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Awesome code by VASU to convert Number into Words

This code is implemented and provided by Vasu, from MAIT, Delhi.

About this code : By using this code we can translate a number into a word.

For example 1 will become one
and 120 will become  1 hundred twenty 

Note : This code is based on recursion. 
I will post a non recursive approach to do the same thing very soon.
Till then enjoy this code.

Note : Before using this code please create a java project in eclipse and save the 
code inside file inside src folder  

import java.util.Scanner;

// Create a class consisting of main method and a calculate function
public class Conversion {
// Array of numbers for units place
static String[] unit = {"" , "one" , "two" , "three" , "four" , "five" , "six" , "seven" , 
                                       "eight" , "nine" , "ten" , "eleven" , "twelve" , "thirteen" , 
                                       "fourteen" , "fifteen" , "sixteen" , "seventeen" ,
                                       "eighteen","nineteen"} ;
// Array of numbers for tens place
static String[] tens = {"" , "ten" , "twenty" , "thirty" , "forty" , "fifty", "sixty" , 
                                        "seventy" ,"eighty" , "ninety" } ;

public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create object of Scanner Class
Scanner sc = new Scanner( ;
// Get Input From User
System.out.print("Enter the number : ");
int number = sc.nextInt() ;
// Show the Output to the user
System.out.println("Number in words : " + calculate(number)); 
public static String calculate(int n) {
// Create some cases to define range of the input number
if(n < 20) {
// Directly return the string corresponding to the number
return unit[n];  

else if(n < 100) {
return tens[n/10] + " " + unit[n%10];
                else if(n < 1000) {
// Apply recursion by converting the sub integer to actual integer
return unit[n/100] + " hundred " + calculate(n%100);  
                else if(n < 100000) {
// For numbers in thousands
return calculate(n/1000) + " thousand " + calculate(n%1000) ;  
                else if(n < 10000000) {
// For number in lakhs 
return calculate(n/100000) + " lakhs " + calculate(n%100000) ; 
                 else if(n < 1000000000) {
// For number in crore 
return calculate(n/10000000) + " crore " + calculate(n%10000000) ; 
               else {
return "Number Not In The Range ! Please Try Again" ;

1 comment:

  1. Awesome :)
    Blockbuster .. gud job vasu .. calculate method is awesome
