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Sunday, August 13, 2017

very very simple but tricky question asked during Java interviews

Tell me the output of this code and explain

class Test 
public static void main(String[] args)
boolean b = false; // lets assume it is line number 1

if(b = true) // lets assume it is line number 2
System.out.println("if block executes");
System.out.println("else block executes");


output of code is =>
                    if block executes

explanation of code:
  ## at line number 1 we are assignning false in a boolean variable b
  ## at line number 2 we are again assigning true inside variable b using 
        assignment operator (that is =)
   ## so new value of variable b is true, so result inside if statement 
         becomes true
  ## and we know in case of true condition the block of if will be 



  1. Very tricky.....but now you make this question very simple :)
    Thank you sir

  2. good trick sir inside if condition....

  3. good trick sir inside if condition....

  4. Hmm .. very tricky and important thing to be remembered..
    Thank you sir

  5. Hmm .. very tricky and important thing to be noticed.
    Thank you sir

  6. Please enter more questions here like above.
    Thank u sir...
